Friday, 5 November 2010


I was rather impressed at my 'not having to run for the bus' this morning. I was 5 minutes earlier than normal, and this was impressive for me. All goes smoothly, and we arrive at college just short of 15 minutes before my first lecture :)
Generally a "meh" sort of day. I felt in a bad mood although I have no explanation for this: my lessons went well.
5.15pm and I cross to the bus stop across the road from college missing the bus by 3 minutes and having to wait another 7. This bus is usually a roulette to get on as the single decker buses are not big enough to fit 50 students and the other members of the public. From this experience I deduct: students don't queue! So today it was oddly quiet, a mere 6 of us got on the bus to town. I was stupid to think this was a good sign! Trapped in evening traffic I pondered whether it would have been quicker to walk this 10 minute bus journey. I arrive at the station where I was due to catch another bus. The queue stretched half the length of the bus station and I then discovered the bus was going to be 15 minutes: another wait in the misty not quite rainy sort of rain. Finally boarding the bus, I am sat with a child and a young dad fighting with umbrellas drumming it into me how soggy I was :(
I hate dark bus journeys, there is nothing to look at but black.
To top of my disasterous bus experience every one had to get off 4 stops before mine as the headlight had blown. Oh joy, another misty rainy walk with loads of college stuff.
As you may have gathered I am in a ranting mood and not at all in the mood to question happy numbers. Thank goodness its the weekend tomorrow!

Oh yes, and I forgot to renew my bus pass so I'm gonna have to pay monday morning :@

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